Last of the wonderful dinner at Ansill. Following the just-for-us kidneys was an even better treat of just-for-us sweetbreads served with grilled Brussels sprouts (see first pic of the sweetbreads with the sprouts at the upper left). Tasha gave us some 2005 Sangiovese to go with. The sweetbreads were smooth and rich. I was so focused on them that I forgot to take notes about the sauce. I think that's a good thing. The restaurant was busy by now, but I caught David's eye and said "mmmmm.......sweetbreads" and he just smiled and said "of course." If I could have smiled any bigger than I already was, I would have. I liked the sprouts as a side. They were mixed with some applewood smoked bacon and sliced in half so the open sides browned up from the grill. Phil, who is not a big sprouts fan, thought they were ok, but they didn't convert him to a sprouts-lover.
The next and last main course was, to my mind, an example of about the best breakfast a person could wish for. Egg baked in cream with truffles, served with venison spaetzel. Tasha gave us 2006 Altos de la Hoya to accompany. Honestly there isn't much to say about this because it tasted like one would expect a fresh egg in cream with truffles and homemade spaetzel tossed with venison to be.
So, it was time to leave. David said goodbye and we vowed to come back hopefully sooner than next year. And then out in the chill for a nice walk back to the B&B and a very good night's sleep.
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