Courtney's Japanese-theme Marinated Lamb Chops
(Serves 2)
4 lamb chops
1 can nameko mushrooms* (juice and mushrooms)
1T Japanese Seasoned Seaweed with Mushroom paste (gohen desuyo shitake nori)
2T dijon mustard
1T lemon juice
*these cans are *really* tiny - maybe an ounce or two at most
(Accompaniment: 2 baby bok choy, grilled)
Mix all the non-lamb chop ingredients (except the bok choy) together. Put the lamb chops in and marinate, turning once or twice, an hour and a half or so.
Start the Egg and preheat the grill (about 4-5 min on full to start and another 4-5 min to heat the grill).
Put the lamb chops on the grill and keep at medium-high. If cooking from frozen (as I was) cook 7 min then flip; 9 min then flip; 6 min then close off the grill. The chops will turn out a nice rare-rare-medium. Adjust cooking times to taste.
If you are cooking the bok choy, add it at the first flip of the lamb and flip it at the second. Or steam it until just done.
Plate the lamb and bok choy. Zap the rest of the sauce in the microwave for 30 seconds (I didn't but wish I had) and spoon next to (see picture at start of post).
Cooking Note: I wanted to grill the baby bok choy and found one thing that may not be suitable to Mechazawa-san. The edges of the bok choy dried out and wilted when the core was cooked properly. I could add foil and be creative to compensate, but the take-away is that I can't just slap stuff like this down on the grill.
Eating notes: Phil just thought the sauce had a nice oil content; I thought it "slime-ified" the way natto does (this is a positive for me). I will buy these mushrooms again, despite their costing like $5 for this outrageously teeny can, just for that effect. We each licked the plate clean (for the sake of politeness, let's say that's a metaphor...)