Scavenging through the freezer after a long day. Have a week to use up the preserved parts of last year's CSA, so used up some frozen cauliflower and broccoli, served with lamb chops. Complemented with a sour cream garlic sauce, it was really nice. Instructions: The veggies were just boiled in the bag (from frozen) for 8 minutes and then held in the hot water until ready to serve. The sauce was 1/4 c sour cream mixed with 1/2 t garlic powder, 1 t dried tarragon, and pepper (red and black) to taste, thinned with about 1T milk or until of a consistency you likeor the meat, I heated the egg and then the grill until everything was well over 500F. Then I put the chops (again, from frozen) on the grill and turned it down to about 325F and cooked it 8 min on on side; 10 flipped; then 7 on the original side turned off so I could've just left it there for a while. The results, as usual (arigatou, Mechazawa-san!) were perfect.
Scopinaro and biliarypancreatic diversion
2 weeks ago
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