I'm often asked what my standard breakfast is. So here it is:
Non-homogenized whole milk (sometimes have 1 oz. cheese instead)
Coffee (always)
Miso soup (always with seaweed. This also has shiitake and the little curled breadlike things I don' t know the name of)
Tomatoes (almost always)
Sliced cucumber (may have pepper or celery or something else)
1/4 - 1/3 cup grain (today's is brown rice with a few vegetables)
Natto (twice a week or so)
Sometimes I'll have a half a glass of juice, which I usually need to water down or it's too sweet for me. Also if for some reason I don't get around to making grain we will have a gluten-free toaster waffle instead.
My husband augments this with yogurt topped with muesli he soaks a bit overnight.
So that's how I start my day. I must confess it took me a while to get used to natto. When I first tried it I wanted to gag. But I did my best and kept trying, and now I really like it. Someone recommended mixing it with rice or toasted sesame to cut the slime, but I find that I like it just mixed up with the sauce they give you.
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