Friday, January 16, 2009

Last of the Chicken

So dinner tonight is Chicken Carcass Soup - and the last day of the fabulous roasted chicken that I made on the Egg on Tuesday. This means that our $16 chicken produced 8 dinners (4 for each of us) plus 4 lunches, plus a bit to appease the 4-footed ones. Makes spending a bit extra for true pasture-raised creatures seem a bit less extravagant.Here's a picture - it looks more paleo than attractive, I'll admit, but it tastes really good.

No recipe - just throw the carcass and whatever veggies you have on hand into the crock pot, add water, turn it on low and cook the heck out of it. Season to taste whenever it makes sense to do so (e.g. garlic and pepper early, green spices later, etc. etc.) I know a lot of recipes have you stop cooking chicken after an hour or two, but that doesn't soften the bones enough so you can eat them. Even so, I spit out most of the little bones, but anything with marrow in it is *not* going to see the inside of a trash can in this household if I can help it!The picture shows what's left. Phil wants everyone to know he's the bone-eater; the remnants on the left are his. I think I started out with more bones, but that's an argument for another day...

As if I needed to prove my geekiness, I weighed the parts we threw away. 2.25 ounces, out of a 4.1 lb chicken. I need to say again that we are well-fed, middle-class persons and everything scarfed down tonight was because it was *good.*

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